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Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem
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Leaders (KÖTI)
Department of Agro-environmental Studies (AKT)
Department of Agro-environmental Studies (AKT)
Introduction (AKT)
Colleagues of the Department of Agro-environmental Studies (AKT)
Projects of the Department of Agro-environmental Studies (AKT)
Department of Environmental Analysis and Technologies (KKT)
Department of Environmental Analysis and Technologies (KKT)
Introduction (KKT)
Environmental Chemistry Group (KKT)
Environmental Technology Group (KKT)
Colleagues of the Department of Environmental Analysis and Technologies (KKT)
Projects of the Department of Environmental Analysis and Technologies (KKT)
Department of Environmental Sustainability (KFT)
Department of Environmental Sustainability (KFT)
Introduction (KFT)
Colleagues of the Department of Environmental Sustainability (KFT)
Project of the Department of Environmental Sustainability (KFT)
Department of Irrigation and Land Improvement (ÖMT)
Department of Irrigation and Land Improvement (ÖMT)
Introduction (ÖMT)
Colleagues of the Department of Environmental Sustainability (ÖMT)
Projects of the Department of Irrigation and Land Improvement (ÖMT)
News (ÖMT)
Department of Soil Science (TT)
Department of Soil Science (TT)
Introduction (TT)
Pedology Group (TT)
Soil Fertility Management Group (TT)
Agroecology Group (TT)
Colleagues of the Department of Soil Science (TT)
Projects of the Department of Soil Sciences (TT)
Department of Water Management and Climate Adaptation (VKT)
Department of Water Management and Climate Adaptation (VKT)
Introduction (VKT)
Water Management and Environmental Hydrology Group (VKT)
Climate Adaptation Group (VKT)
Colleagues of the Department of Water Management and Climate Adaptation (VKT)
Projects of the Department of Water Management and Climate Adaptation (VKT)
Research Center for Agro-Environmental Sciences (AKK)
Research Center for Agro-Environmental Sciences (AKK)
Introduction (AKK)
Division of Environmental Analysis (AKK)
Division of Ecotoxicology (AKK)
Research Center for Irrigation and Water Management (ÖVKI)
Research Center for Irrigation and Water Management (ÖVKI)
Introduction (ÖVKI)
Division of Agricultural Water Management (ÖVKI)
Division of Irrigation Development (ÖVKI)
ProfiKomp® Environmental Technologies Inc.
ProfiKomp® Environmental Technologies Inc.
Introduction of ProfiKomp® Environmental Technologies Inc.
Colleagues of ProfiKomp® Environmental Technologies Inc.
Institute Secretariat (KÖTI)
Institute Secretariat (KÖTI)
Introduction of the Institute Secretariat (KÖTI)
Colleagues of the Institute Secretariat (KÖTI)
Locations and Contacts (KÖTI)
Bachelor's courses
Bachelor's courses
Agricultural Water Management Engineering and Environmental Technology Engineering Bachelor's Program (in English BA/BSc)
Environmental engineering (in English BA/BSc)
Master's courses
Master's courses
Environmental engineering (in English MA/MSc)
Agricultural Water Management Engineering (in English MA/MSc)
Ecotoxicology (in English MA/MSc)
Postgraduate specialist training course
Postgraduate specialist training course
Specialized Training Program for Waste Management and Recovery Engineers
Specialized Environmental Training Program
Specialized Training Program for Irrigation Specialists/Consultants
Precision Agricultural Engineer Consultant Specialized Training Program
Soil Science Engineer Specialized Training Program
Soil conservation specialists training course
Internship and placement
Doctorate course (PhD)
Professional-, Bachelor- and Master thesis
Final exams
Institute of Environmental Sciences (KÖTI) Scientific Students' Associations Conference (TDK)
Research activities
Ongoing Projects
Bejelentkezés - Institute of Environmental Sciences
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