Specialized Training Program for Irrigation Specialists/Consultants

Specialized Training Program for Irrigation Specialists/Consultants

Last modified: 10. June 2024

Szarvas Specialized Training Program for Irrigation Specialists/Consultants- ALL

Program Schedule: Correspondence training

Duration: 4 semesters

Tuition Fee (Part-time): 250,000 HUF/semester

Virtual Training Center: MATE AGRI-FOOD

Facilitating Institute: Institute of Environmental Sciences

Program Objective: The specialized training program aims to train professionals with specialized knowledge and perspectives who, with their acquired knowledge, are capable of optimally designing, establishing, and operating irrigation systems according to crop type, irrigation method, and purpose, across various scales. Through synthesizing foundational scientific knowledge focused on irrigation, along with technical, agricultural, environmental, and economic knowledge acquired during the program, professionals will be able to solve and manage irrigation-related tasks in practice. The knowledge imparted makes graduates suitable for middle and senior management positions in agricultural enterprises of varying sizes, handling tasks related to irrigation from the planning phase to operational processes. The training also meets the growing demand for expertise in non-agricultural irrigation systems (urban management, institutions, and private individuals).

Field of Study: Agriculture

Credits: 120 credits

Program Start Semester: Fall semester

Location: Szarvas

Schedule: Correspondence training

Language of Instruction: Hungarian

Financing: Self-financed

Tuition Fee: 250,000 HUF/semester

Duration: 4 semesters

Minimum Enrollment: 10 students

Maximum Enrollment: 25 students

Program Frequency: Four times 3-day sessions per semester

Participation Requirements: To attain the Irrigation Specialist qualification, one must have a degree in one of the following undergraduate programs:

  • Animal Breeding Engineering, Forestry Engineering, Plant Production Engineering, Horticulture Engineering, Agricultural Economics and Rural Development Engineering, Environmental Management Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Game Management Engineering, Landscape Design and Garden Construction Engineering, Nature Conservation Engineering; or
  • In the former system, a degree and engineer qualification in one of the following college-level programs: Environmental Engineering, Melioration Engineering, Economic Engineering, Agricultural Machinery Engineering, Landscape Management; or
  • A degree and engineer qualification in any other undergraduate program (formerly college-level training) in the technical field.

For the Irrigation Consultant qualification: a degree in natural sciences, economics, or technical fields (excluding engineer qualifications) at least at the undergraduate level (formerly college-level training).

Ideal Candidate: Holds agricultural or technical qualifications and seeks to specialize in the field of irrigation.

Specialized Qualifications Attainable:

  • Irrigation Specialist Engineer
  • Irrigation Consultant

Competencies, Knowledge, Skills, and Application in Specific Environments:


  • Understanding of climatic conditions necessary for irrigation planning and meteorological factors influencing water demand.
  • Basic soil science and soil physics related to irrigation.
  • Water requirements of horticultural and field crops and the impact of water stress on plants.
  • Water sources usable for irrigation.
  • Legal regulations related to irrigation and the permit process.
  • Quality requirements for irrigation water.
  • Environmental impacts of irrigation.
  • Possibilities of sewage and slurry irrigation.
  • Issues related to excess water and fundamentals of flood management.
  • Nutrient supply in irrigation and possibilities of hydroponic cultivation.
  • Machines, equipment, facilities used in irrigation, and their operation.
  • Characteristics and advantages of different irrigation methods.
  • Economic and operational aspects of irrigation.


  • Designing optimal irrigation systems based on agro-meteorological, soil, plant production, and other operational data.
  • Designing and operating non-agricultural irrigation systems.
  • Determining the timing and amount of water replenishment based on soil moisture/meteorological data and using modern irrigation management systems.
  • Operating irrigation systems, identifying operational problems, and initiating appropriate interventions.
  • Efficient use of natural resources by evaluating ecological and economic aspects together.
  • Following and critically evaluating irrigation-related literature and applying it in practice.
  • Managing irrigation-related projects.


  • Commitment to sustainable agriculture and water management.
  • Seeking opportunities for adaptation and mitigation in response to climate change.
  • Striving to develop and implement innovative ideas that meet technical, ecological, and economic requirements in agricultural water management.
  • Aiming for a systematic, complex approach, recognizing and creatively solving problems.
  • Thoughtful, bases opinions on professional considerations, and consistently represents them.
  • Strives to adhere to laws and ethical norms in all situations encountered at work, and expects the same from subordinates.
  • Proactive, decisive, persistent, but accepts professionally grounded critical feedback.
  • Takes responsibility for principles underpinning irrigation water management.
  • Actively participates in research and development projects in irrigation management.
  • Demands high standards and critical of oneself, continuously seeking self-improvement.
  • Possesses good communication and organizational skills.
  • Capable of performing leadership tasks.

Autonomy and Responsibility:

  • Carries out work with awareness of professional and moral responsibility, considering complex environmental, social, and economic impacts.
  • Feels responsible for the optimal use of natural resources, especially considering climate change.
  • Responsibly leads workgroups of appropriate size according to professional practice and can work independently or under supervision as a team member.
  • Has significant autonomy in developing and representing professional views within the organization.
  • Possesses substantial autonomy regarding the implementation of activities.
  • Takes responsibility for initiating collaborations.
  • Acts as an equal partner in professional cooperation.

Key Knowledge Areas and Credit Allocation:

  • Foundational natural science knowledge: 18-26 credits
  • Technical-water management knowledge: 26-34 credits
  • Agricultural water management knowledge: 26-34 credits
  • Environmental science knowledge: 9-15 credits
  • Social knowledge: 6-14 credits

Thesis Type and Credit Value: Thesis, 15 credits

Application Deadline: August 15, 2024

Application Method: Through the application form available under the Admission – Specialized Training Programs section (Felvételi – Szakirányú továbbképzések menü) on the https://uni-mate.hu website.

Required Documents:

  • Scanned copy of the diploma, both sides if bilingual.
  • Professional CV.

Program Start Date: September 20, 2024

Contact/Program Coordinator:

Name: Dr. Zoltán Futó

Address: 5540 Szarvas, Szabadság út 1-3.

Email: futo.zoltan@uni-mate.hu

Phone: +36 66 313-311

Website: https://uni-mate.hu;https://kornyezettudomany.uni-mate.hu/en/bemutatkozas-omt-en

Administrative Inquiries: Attiláné Tóth, toth.attilane@uni-mate.hu, +36 66 313-311