Department of Agro-environmental Studies (AKT)

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Department of Agro-environmental Studies (AKT)

Last modified: 09. February 2024


Introducing the department

Environmentally conscious thinking and the development of sustainable, biologically-based farming are gaining more and more emphasis in science and society. Connecting environmental awareness and a sense of responsibility in order to protect the quality of abiotic environmental elements (soil, water, air) as natural resources creates the living conditions of future generations. The current structure of the Department of Agro-Environmental Studies contributes to this complex, interconnected approach by investigating the changes and interactions of three equal environmental elements - soil, water and air - that regulate the functioning of agroecosystems.

The faculty, researchers and doctoral students of the department teach six disciplines (agrochemistry, soil science, meteorology, water management, biological soil resources management, environmental management) in several institutes of the university, but mainly in the Institutes of Horticulture-, Environmental Science-, Viticulture and Oenology-, and Food Science and Technology, in the undergraduate and master's degree programs, to which their research work is also linked.

Our research activities

  • Investigating the use of mineral and organic fertilizers, alternative soil conditioners and yield enhancers (biochar, composts, biogas residues and agricultural products).
  • Impact assessment of microbial inoculants to reduce the use of fertilizers and other inorganic nutrients for sustainable crop production and horticultural practices.
  • Determining the soil optimum for land use, the limiting effects of soil properties, and the study of conservation and conventional farming practices.
  • In addition to traditional physical and chemical measurements, a wide range of biological tests and soil diagnostics.
  • Evaluation of organic and inorganic additives, biochar, organic materials.
  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis of topsoil and organic matter.

Professional engineer training

The Biological Soil Resources Management Specialist Engineer course starting in 2017 is coordinated by our Department.