Introduction (KÖTI)

Introduction (KÖTI)

Last modified: 09. February 2024

The Institute focuses on specific aspects of education, training, scientific research and consultation within the fields of agricultural and environmental sciences. Our organizational and educational structure encompasses all aspects of environmental sciences, relevant to agricultural practices. Within the field of soil science, we specialize in soil formation, soil classification and soil geography, with also focusing on practical aspects of soil fertility management, amelioration and soil conservation. Our work includes the application of geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) methods for the development of soil information systems. Education of environmental chemistry includes general, inorganic, organic and biochemistry, environmental analysis and environmental safety. Within environmental technologies, we primarily focus on waste management, water and wastewater treatment and air quality protection. Aspects of water management include environmental hydrology, water quality, hydroinformatics, irrigation technologies and climate adaptation. Our Scientific fields with a more global approach include environmental toxicology, agricultural ecotoxicology, agroecology and environmental sustainability.

Research activities of the Institute include fundamental and applied research both at a national and international level. We are developing diagnostic soil classification systems, soil analytical methods and studying the effects of soil cultivation methods on soil quality, soil chemical processes and soil fertility. We also analyze the level of contaminants in environmental systems (soil, sediment, water, biofilm and biological samples) and andvancing related methods of environmental analysis. We are also developing new methodologies in environmental technologies and waste management, applying remote sensing, digital mapping and drone (UAV) technologies for soil and water management, while also studying the effects of climate change on agro-environmental systems.

The structure of the Institute is as follows:

Director of the Institute: Erika Csákiné Prof. Dr. Michéli

Deputy Director for General and Educational Affairs: Dr. András Székács

Deputy Director for Scientific and Technical Advisory: Dr. Csaba Bozán


Department of Agro-environmental Studies, Head: Dr. Levente Kardos

Department of Environmental Analysis and Environmental Technologies, Head: Dr. habil. Márk Kálmán Horváth

Department of Environmental Sustainability, Head: Dr. Tamás András

Department of Irrigation and Land Improvement, Head: Dr. Zoltán Futó

Department of Soil Science, Head: Erika Csákiné Prof. Dr. Michéli

Department of Water Management and Climate Adaptation, Head: Dr. István Waltner

Research Centers:

Agricultural Environmental Science Research Center (AKK), Head: Prof. Dr. András Székács

Irrigation and Water Management Research Center (ÖVKI), Head: Dr. Csaba Bozán

Affiliated Department:

Profikomp Environmental Technology Ltd., Head: Dr. László Aleksza